Create Custom Study
Attitude-X users are able to gain valuable business insights from their customers by creating their own questionnaires and analysing the response data to support business change or finding new ways to increase revenue.
Attitude-X Custom Study
An Attitude-X Custom Study is a great way to work with your customers to get input or feedback on new ideas for your business. Custom studies are excellent ways to follow up on the business insights provided by the Know Your Customer Study. For example, you might learn from a KYC Study that your customers are interested in a “coffee bundle” on weekday mornings - that is, a coffee and a muffin bundled together for a reduced price. A Custom Study is a great way to promote this idea on your socials by asking followers to vote on which type of muffin should be included in the “new offering”.
A Custom Study is created without a template. A user can decide what questions, and how many, are asked of respondents.
Create a Custom Study
Users can create any number of custom studies. Questionnaire responses are not shared between studies and there is no limit to the number, or types, of questions that can be included in a custom study.
To get started, login to Attitude-X.
To create a Custom Study, click the Create Form button (shown below in green):
From the Create Form page, click the Start From Scratch button (shown below in green):
Begin creating your Custom Study by adding a Form Title and Form Description. Both fields are required:
Click Submit to move the form design page.
The left side of the form design page shows the element toolbox - elements that can be added to a form.
The form elements in the toolbox are:
Free Text: Use this element when you want your customers to provide a text-based response. Responses can be text or numeric. The Free Text form element doesn’t support special characters. Free Text responses do not appear in the Analytics Overview but do appear in the Submissions section to allow you to view responses.
Number: Use this element when you want your customers to provide a numeric response. Responses can numeric only ie, no text characters. Numeric responses do not appear in the Analytics Overview but do appear in the Submissions section to allow you to view responses.
Radio Button: Use this element when you want to provide your customers with a set of response options and require the selection of only one of the options. Radio Button responses appear in the Analytics Overview and in the Submissions section to allow you to view responses.
Check Box: Use this element when you want to provide your customers with a set of response options and require them to select one or more of the options. Check Box responses appear in the Analytics Overview and in the Submissions section to allow you to view responses.
Slider Bar: Use this element when you want to provide your customers with a range of values in a simple, visual way and require a single response within that range of values. Response data from Slider Bar elements is aggregated in the analytics view. If multiple Slider Bar elements are added to a form, the data from all Slider Bar elements on a form will be aggregated. Slider Bar responses appear in the Analytics Overview and in the Submissions section to allow you to view responses.
Dropdown: Use this element when you want to provide your customers with a set of response options in a simple, visual way and require the selection of only one of the options. The Dropdown form element is a good choice when you want to conserve space on your form. Dropdown responses appear in the Analytics Overview and in the Submissions section to allow you to view responses.
Page Break: Use this element when you want to spread your questionnaire over multiple pages. This element will add Next and Previous buttons to the bottom of the published questionnaire pages to assist with navigation.
For more information about how form elements and responses appear in the Analytics view, see Analytics Overview.
The main part of the Create Form page is the Form design view. The Form Title created in the previous step appears at the top of the Form Design page.
When you click on a form element, it will appear in the form design view.
The form design view has three tabs at the top of the page:
- Create: The form design view where form elements are added to a form.
- Publish: Manage publishing a form for your customers or audience to consume. See Publishing Overview for more information.
- Analytics: Analyse questionnaire responses with easy to understand data visuals. See Analytics Overview for more information.
To add a form element to your form, click on the desired form element in the element toolbox. For example, to add a set of radio buttons to your form, click on Radio Button in the elements toolbox. When prompted for the type of radio button, select Normal. A radio button element will appear in the form design view.
To add details (set the properties of the element), you can either type directly into the sections of the element eg, question, question description, options etc. Alternatively, you can click on the element and click the properties icon
from the form element menu.
Set the properties of the element in the properties dialog that appears when clicking the element property icon.
For detailed information about each form element and associated properties, see Form Elements.
To delete a form element from the Form Design view, click on the form element to be deleted and then click on the delete element icon
in the form element menu.
When you have completed adding form elements to your form, you are ready to publish your questionnaire.